Back From the Dead
I know its getting repetitive but I’m back. This site languished after I let my domain lapse and some random spammers bought it. I was forced to get new domain (hence why the site is now instead of .org). So here we are.
You may be wondering what my plans are now for the site. Well first up, I plan to update the server guide. I’m going to wipe my own server and rebuild from the ground up. I’m going to follow my own server guide as I do and update it where I find it needs to be updated.
I also plan to add a few tips and tricks posts along the way. Things such as how to stream live local broadcasts or how to get any NFL game legally streaming to your TV. There may also be some good content on the best ways to view your content on your devices. The hardware guide also needs to be completed at some point but I had a hard time writing it before which led me stay away.
I want to start posting regularly again, so I’ll see everyone soon.